Nagarik katha, the mouthpiece of kolkata Nagarik Sammelan, is published in the first half of everymonth. The monthly paper is widely circulated among the members of the organigation which number more than one lakh. It is a four page paper which contains reports on the activities of the organigation from grassroot Mahalla level to Zilla level. It also contains articles on civic problems, development of Kolkata, Kolkata heritage, our tradition of unity in diversity, maintenance of peace and harmony among all section of people irrespective of cast, colour or creed. The sale price of each issue is Rs 2/- and the annual subscription is Rs 20/-.
The present board of editors consist of the following members :
1. Tirthankar Chattopadhyay(chairman)
2. Asok Chaudhuri(convenor)
3. Gora Sengupta
4. Saswati Dasagupta5. Badal Dasgupta
6.Anil Bhattacharya
7. Madhu Mukhejee
8. Nitish Biswas
9. Swapan Biswas
10 Swapan Mandal
11. Dalia Ghosh
12. Bani Mitra
Year of 2016